
News archives - May 2005

Here are the news archives of P S for the month of May 2005.

Maynard Day at school!

May 20, 2005

"He is really cute and the kids just love him!"...Mrs. Holben, the Kindergarten teacher.

Maynard the Mannerly Monkey, author PS Murphy, entertained grades K-3 with a story time feature. Each student received a shirt and hat just like the one Maynard wears in his book.

Maynard makes his debut!

May 19, 2005

Maynard, the mannerly monkey, was the host at a party in his behalf. For this special occasion pre-school children sported Maynard yellow tee shirts and red baseball caps just like Maynard wears.

PS Murphy, a wonderful storyteller and author of MMaynard the Mannerly Monkey, captivated her young audience by reading his first introduction book along with Maynard motion poems and a Maynard interactive puppet story.

Maynard also joined in for the cake cutting and a Happy Birthday song sung to him by the group. PS Murphy closed the ceremony with an official book signing.

The party was by invitation only and was sponsored by Paynes Corner
Church in Brookfield, Ohio.

Maynard is Here!

May 18, 2005

Maynard, the Mannerly Monkey, is now available to own!

This mannerly, little monkey has come to life in his first book of the series; Maynard, the Mannerly Monkey, and is an introduction to Maynard, a very mannerly monkey, and his adventures in Jungle Town where he lives.

Children will enjoy following Maynard through the beautiful and bright
colored pages while learning the use of manners and proper etiquette.

Find out more about the book and how you can buy it
